Renewable Energy Acts as a Catalyst in the Utilities Sector

Renewable Energy Acts as a Catalyst in the Utilities Sector
Renewable energy has the power to change our lives forever, and we're not just saying that because we work for a solar energy company. Using renewable energy like solar or any other green power source like wind, hydro, or biomass has been shown to help the environment, the economy, and even people's health. This article will tell you the best things about gas activation and why you might want to switch.

All you need to know about Gas Activation

1. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy comes from the sun, wind, water, and plants, which are all-natural and rarely run out. Today, the Levelized cost of electricity from onshore wind and solar projects is about $50 per megawatt-hour. This is because equipment costs have gone down, technology has improved, the capacity factors of renewable energy sources have gone up, and governments have given them a boost. Increasing competition in the battery storage market is also a big reason why more people are using renewable energy, and solar projects that include battery storage are rising.

2. Inexhaustible energy

Strong winds, sunny skies, many plants, heat from the ground, and fast-moving water can all provide a large amount of energy that is always being refilled. Studies have shown that renewable energy can meet many future electricity needs, even considering potential problems.

3. Lowers Your Carbon Footprint

We are all more aware of how our actions affect the world around us. It's not just about sea turtles and straws. Almost every choice affects the environment, from the clothes we buy and eat food to the electricity that powers family movie night. We might not even know about it.

4. Jobs and Other Benefits for the Economy

Compared to technologies that use fossil fuels, which are often mechanized and require a lot of money, the renewable energy industry requires more work. Solar panels must be put up by people, and wind farms must be taken care of by technicians.

This means that, on average, one unit of Singapore utilities made from renewable sources creates more jobs than one unit made from fossil fuels.

5. Reduces Harmful Air Pollutants

When fossil fuels are burned to make electricity, they combine with oxygen to make a dangerous greenhouse gas called nitrogen oxide, or NOx. The gas can cause smog and acid rain and react chemically to make ground-level ozone a harmful air pollutant. Stratospheric ozone also called the ozone layer, protects us from the sun's dangerous UV rays.

No nitrous oxides are made when electricity is made from renewable energy sources. Therefore, renewable energy does not release greenhouse gases, but it also lowers your carbon footprint and reduces the need for fossil fuel power, which can add to air pollution in cities.


Choosing between different industrial gas supplier in Singapore can feel overwhelming, especially if you are not well-versed in the energy industry. 

Qualified brokers have insights into the energy markets that others do not have access to. A broker will work with you to understand your business needs and help you find a supplier and gas activation plan that will be the right fit. If you are a commercial customer looking to purchase energy or looking for a broker to work with, we want to talk to you. 


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